Tagged With: tf2jump.com

Hey guys! I am super excited to announce the opening of the 6th iT! server: Turbine iT! sponsored by tragicservers.com! It is no crit / no spread / fast respawn, and since tragicservers.com has so graciously sponsored it for us, all revenue from the ads will be going toward the LG/iT LAN fund! My dream server is a reality!!

Turbine iT!

stats: http://turbineit.hls...


It's been a whole year since the TF2 Jump community forums started by Rush turned into a full blown website.. and I just wanted to take a second to thank EVERYONE for all the support and hard work! A huge thanks of course goes to redwine for making everything you see here... from the site layout/functionality to the ability to view speed runs from jump servers around the world (big tha...

About TF2 Jump and Jumping

We are the trickjumping subculture in Team Fortress 2. TF2 Jump is a place for all jumpers from the various sub-communities around the world to hang out, share tips and tricks, and spread the jump love.
