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Dellort has issued a new democall for another jump movie! The Boneyard Productions Movie Contest was recently announced and I decided to enter with another community jump movie. If this movie were to win in the contest there would be a cash prize and it will be played live at the i46 event right before the TF2 Finals. I think this would be awesome seeing how 10 000 or so people will either be watching it live at the event or across one of the streams. 
As of right now I'm not setting a deadline since it will be dependent on when I feel that I have enough jumps. I would like to begin the editing by the end of July, since I need at least two weeks to put it together.
Get your demos to dellort ASAP!!

Visit this thread for all the details!

POSTED IN: Competitions

About the Author: Klanana

Owner of Jump iT!, JuJump iT!, Surf iT!, Bball iT!, & MGE iT! And the only person who puts articles on the site... damnit!

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About TF2 Jump and Jumping

We are the trickjumping subculture in Team Fortress 2. TF2 Jump is a place for all jumpers from the various sub-communities around the world to hang out, share tips and tricks, and spread the jump love.
