Soldier Tutorials

How To: Strafing and Air Control

Controlling your movement in the air is very important when rocket jumping. Air strafing allows players to curve in mid-air, which is crucial in jumping. Here are the basics:

Hold your CROUCH key
To move LEFT hold A and move your mouse at a consistent speed to the left
To move RIGHT hold D and move your mouse at a consistent speed to the right
NEVER PRESS W WHILE STRAFING - Pressing W instantly kills your strafe

Tutorial: TF2 rocket jumping: the ultimate tf2 rocket jumping tutorial I HD by pilotstyle123

More on Air Control...


Tutorial: TF2 Rocket Jumping 101 Part 2 (1/2) by honorablejay



POSTED IN: Soldier Tutorials

About the Author: Klanana

Owner of Jump iT!, JuJump iT!, Surf iT!, Bball iT!, & MGE iT! And the only person who puts articles on the site... damnit!

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We are the trickjumping subculture in Team Fortress 2. TF2 Jump is a place for all jumpers from the various sub-communities around the world to hang out, share tips and tricks, and spread the jump love.
