Soldier Tutorials

How To: Advanced Wall Jumps


September 23, 2011

by Klanana

How To: Advanced Wall Jumps

Advanced wall jumps are used while in the air and against a wall. The first advanced technique is the wall climb.

Wall Climb

Wall climbing is exactly what it sounds like - climbing up a wall using rockets. To climb, continue to hold crouch and fire down and slightly left (as your rocket launcher is on your right shoulder) while holding W to keep yourself against the wall. The explosion will produce a second jump and allow you to "climb" the wall. The following video shows you how to wall climb, then continues into our next technique, walljumping.

Walljump / Wallshots

Walljumps, or wallshots, are used to gain great distance or height after the initial rocket jump. Every time you shoot the wall, you will be pushed away from it. To counter this, you want to strafe back towards the wall.

Straight From the Jumper's Mouth:

"Walljumping I have recently discovered how to actually explain it in words. Never hold  W to start with. (this means NEVER in the air, unless you are wallpogoing/climbing a  vertical wall)  You will use A and D only.  And what you are going to do is strafe back  into the wall after you shoot. You will flick out while holding A, then strafe back in  while holding D after you shoot out and aim back into the  wall to where you should be  shooting (can't explain where to aim in words, just spec people who jump properly)  then rinse and repeat.  And for left walls, it's pretty much the opposite, except way  harder."

- DiddyKong FTW    (view forum thread)

Tutorial: TF2 rocket jumping: the ultimate tf2 rocket jumping tutorial I HD by pilotstyle123
POSTED IN: Soldier Tutorials

About the Author: Klanana

Owner of Jump iT!, JuJump iT!, Surf iT!, Bball iT!, & MGE iT! And the only person who puts articles on the site... damnit!

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Klanana on September 23, 2011 at 11:36AM

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We are the trickjumping subculture in Team Fortress 2. TF2 Jump is a place for all jumpers from the various sub-communities around the world to hang out, share tips and tricks, and spread the jump love.
