
Registration will close August 1st.

It is almost time to start voting in the Demoman Mapping Competition!! If you would like to be eligible to vote, you MUST register by August 1, 2011.

To register as a voter, you need your Steam account linked to your forum account. Do that before registering, or you won't be allowed to. Then, post in the Mapping Competition: Voting Registration Thread using this template:

Steam Account link (just to restate it)
Steam name (and aliases, if any)
Most commonly frequented jump server (ip too would help, though we have most of em here)

So basically, like this.

Steam Account:
Steam name: Bematt (aliases: House)
Most commonly frequented jump server: Jump iT (


For more information, go check out the thread:

POSTED IN: Competitions

About the Author: Klanana

Owner of Jump iT!, JuJump iT!, Surf iT!, Bball iT!, & MGE iT! And the only person who puts articles on the site... damnit!

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About TF2 Jump and Jumping

We are the trickjumping subculture in Team Fortress 2. TF2 Jump is a place for all jumpers from the various sub-communities around the world to hang out, share tips and tricks, and spread the jump love.
